Path to Glory
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September 2024


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Join date : 2017-11-20

But, I'm a multi-time world champion, having wrestled all over the world (open to Widowmaker) Empty But, I'm a multi-time world champion, having wrestled all over the world (open to Widowmaker)

Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:16 pm
The camera cuts to a nondescript warehouse in Manchester.  A wrestling ring is set up in the middle.  Two wrestlers are inside the ring with several standing around the ring awaiting their turn.  The camera zooms into the ring to see...The Pittsburgh Mauler in the middle.  Mauler is grappling with the local talent.  Beer Assistant is ringside.

The Pittsburgh Mauler:  Got to keep sharp.  No telling when they'll open the arena back up again.

Beer Assistant chirps and whirls.  The camera pans around to see an older woman walk into the warehouse.

Older Woman:  Hey, anybody know where the closest bingo parlor is?

The wrestlers in the ring stop and the others turn to see who yelled.  Mauler has to take a double take on the individual.

The Pittsburgh Mauler:  Mama Doris, what are you doing here?  I thought you were touring Europe with your son, actor Anthony Anderson.

Mama Doris:  I was.  We were going to all these nice places all over Europe.  But, that fool wouldn't take me to any bingo parlors.  So, once I got my handmade shoes in Italy, I ditched him.

Mauler looks perplexed.

The Pittsburgh Mauler:  You ditched your Italy.  How did you get here?

Mama Doris:  I played bingo all across Europe until I got to here.  Since I'm a professional player, I'm going to continue playing bingo in Europe until Europe runs out of bingo halls.  Then, I'll fly home.

Mauler looks confused again.

The Pittsburgh Mauler:  Well, this isn't a bingo parlor or hall.  This is a professional wrestling training facility.  Do any of you guys know where the closest bingo hall is?

All the others shake their heads.

Mama Doris:  A wrestling training facility, you say.  Then show me what you got.

Mauler motions for three guys to step in the ring with him.  They all attack at once.  Mauler fights them all off, making each one tap out to submission.

Mama Doris:  Mmm, hmmm.  I hope you have another profession you're proficient in.

Mauler pauses for a moment to let that sink in.

The Pittsburgh Mauler:  But, I'm a multi-time world champion, having wrestled all over the world.  I have legions of adoring fans everywhere.

Mama Doris:  *flippantly* Ok, you keep telling yourself that.

The Pittsburgh Mauler:  Handmade shoes in Italy.  Your son must love you a lot.  I'm sure it pains him greatly that you ditched him.

Mama Doris:  I won those fair and square skeet shooting in Kent with him.  Can you believe that he took me to etiquette class in Kent?  That woman was crazy.  I'm not using her recommended conversation starter of asking when someone lost their virginity.

The other wrestlers chuckle.  Mauler glares at them and they stop.

The Pittsburgh Mauler:  Yes, that sounds very unusual for a starter.

Mama Doris:  However, he did take me to a, as you'd call it here, football match.  We watched Gillingham and some of the locals taught me their local cheer.

Mama Doris speaks shouting and shaking her fist.

Mama Doris:  Let's go, *bleep* them up, Let's go, *bleep* them up.

Mauler stops her.

The Pittsburgh Mauler:  Whoa, whoa, whoa there.  We get the idea.

Mama Doris:  I love to swear.  One of my best times was when we went to the Beer Spa in Paris.

Mauler looks at Beer Assistant.

The Pittsburgh Mauler:  Beer Spa?!?  Tell us more.

Mama Doris:  I was skeptical at first, but after soaking in the tub for hour smelling the hops, it turned out to be a wonderful experience.  That is, until we had leave because someone was creating a ruckus.

The door to the warehouse opens and someone walks in.  Mama Doris looks at the individual and becomes agitated and starts pointing.

Mama Doris:  That guy!  That guys forced us to leave the Beer Spa.  We were all waiting outside and the police had cuffed this guy and hauled him out.  He was refusing to leave.  They loaded him in the car and drove off, ruining my whole experience.

Mauler looks to see who it is and is shocked to find out it's...Widowmaker

The Pittsburgh Mauler:  Widowmaker, you up to no good again?  How can ruin everyone's day at the Beer Spa like that?

ooc:  Over to you Widowmaker.

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Posts : 97
Join date : 2020-05-26
Age : 58
Location : Whitehall, Pa.

But, I'm a multi-time world champion, having wrestled all over the world (open to Widowmaker) Empty Re: But, I'm a multi-time world champion, having wrestled all over the world (open to Widowmaker)

Tue Sep 26, 2023 10:54 pm
A devious smirk appears on Widowmaker's face as he enters the warehouse and cautiously approaches the ring, paying very close attention the the surroundings.

He shoots a glare in the direction of Mama Doris and chuckles to himself. He then looks up at Mauler, still standing in the ring.

Widowmaker:  I was looking for you dumbass. I told you I would be around every corner. I lost track of you after Arizona. Someone told me of a new Beer Spa that just opened in Paris. I figured why not, you just might stop there and check it out on your way back to Manchester, with that barrel of rust you have.  

Widowmaker looks over in the direction of Beer Assistant as it spins around and chirps, obvioulsy affected by Widowmaker's words.

Widowmaker:  I turned the damn place upside down looking for you. They had me arrested and tried to slap all kinds of charges on me. Fortunately the DC lawyers were able to convince the authorities that it was all a publicity stunt. They agreed to pay for the damages I am. In your face once again.

Widowmaker turns and looks at Mama Doris, who is staring him down with her arms crossed across her chest.

Widowmaker:  And you, you sick old bag of bones. I saw what you were doing in that spa room.

Mama Doris lowers her head in shame.

Widowmaker:  That was disgusting, other people sit in that tub.

Mama Doris raises her head to say something and Widowmaker stops her by raising his finger to his mouth.

Widowmaker:  Shhh...there is nothing you can say. I saw what I saw. By the way, your bingo hall is two blocks up, second buidling on the right.

Widowmaker raises his arm and points towards the door.

Mama Doris gives Widowmaker a 'huff' as she storms off and leaves the warehouse.

Widowmaker pauses to laugh as he turns his attention back to Mauler, still standing in the ring with his mouth agape.

Widowmaker:  Aaaaanyway...great news my Steel City buddy. You have a match against myself and Wolfie!

A highly confused look appears on the Pittsburgh Mauler's face.

Widowmaker:  Oh, so you didn't know...perfect. I get to be the one to tell you. We have a tag match.

Mauler looks absolutely perplexed.

Widowmaker:  Oh, don't worry, you aren't going it alone. A partner was appointed for you.

His name is...Dan Hammer.

A look of shock now appears on Mauler's face.

Widowmaker:  Yes, that Dan Hammer. Ya know, the leader of The Firm. The one who cannot be trusted. The uninvited guest to Path to Glory. That one.

Widowmaker laughs to himself as he continues on with absolutely trying to irritate Pittsburgh Mauler.

Widowmaker:  And doesn't he call himself the Belt Collector? Hmm, I wonder how closely he will be eyeing up that Dream Tite that you presently carry. Maybe it won't be Wolfie and me that you'll need to worry about. Maybe it will be your own tag team partner. Oh, what will you do?

Widowmaker lets out a devious chuckle.

Widowmaker:  Well, gotta run. Just wanted to drop by and give you the great news. See ya at Empire Maulster.

(Clearly an Ashla Mari reference.)

Widowmaker turns to head to the door and quickly stops as he remembers something. As he turns back to face Mauler, he reaches into his vest pocket and pulls out a photograph.

Widowmaker:  I almost forgot, I brought you a gift. Kind of an ode to the past and a forecast of the future.

Widowmaker tosses the photograph into the ring and it lands at Mauler's feet before turning and heading for the door.

Mauler picks up the photograph and looks at it. Anger fill his eyes.

It is a photo taken after one of the many beat downs that Mauler has received from DC. The picture is of Widowmaker, standing over a lifeless Mauler, holding the Dream Championship Belt high up over his head.

The Pittsburgh Mauler quickly looks up from the photograph as Widowmaker reaches the door.

Widowmaker opens the door and turns back to face Mauler.

Widowmaker:  Tick Tock Buttercup...Tick Tock.

Widowmaker exits the warehouse and slams the door behind him.
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