Path to Glory
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September 2024


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Dan Hammer
Posts : 104
Join date : 2022-10-05

Archimedes (Road to battle Zone RP) Empty Archimedes (Road to battle Zone RP)

Fri May 10, 2024 3:30 am
Archimedes (Road to battle Zone RP) IuNchm6

Voiceover: Give me but a firm spot on which to stand, and I shall move the earth - Archimedes

Dan Hammer can be seen sat in a luxurious leather chair, he is watching what looks to be past matches involving The Firm.
A sly grin upon his face as the screen shows the destructive capabilities of every member of The Firm.

Dan Hammer: That Archimedes fella was full of many pearls of wisdom but none more apt than the quote you just heard.

You see we are that 'firm spot'.
We are literally The Firm and we mqke our stand here in Path 2 Glory.

We stand here and face the tide of mediocrity that embodies the wrestlers of the Path 2 Glory roster.

We stand firm in our mission to not only turn back that tide but we will ride those waves to success and greatness.

For just as Archimedes said, we WILL move the earth.
Not only will we move it, but we shall rule it.

The four of us embody the future of this company and this industry.

At Battleground, we fight for not only the respect we are due but the recognition we deserve.

Each one of us fighting to succeed.
Fighting against the unjust and corrupt management system here in P2G.
Overcoming the odds, the horrendously stacked deck they put against us.

He snarls at the camera.

Dan Hammer: But despite that prejudice and everyone's best efforts to derail our march to greatness we still stand 'firm'.

Battleground is our time.

Firstly, our boy.
The 'Brazilian Beast', SilvaDog.
He stands two matches away from winning the BWE Elite championship.
A championship that belongs to The Firm.
At Battleground, he will destroy all in his path and by the end of the night he will raise that title up high as your NEW Elite Champion.

Then up next, you have the most dominant tag team walking gods green earth.
The 'Brixton Bad Boy' Eddie London and the 'Suicide Blonde' Sophie Desire.
They will tear through those Imperial Pussies and the 'Dumb Cocks' of DC like hot knives through butter.
And when the dust has settled and the ring is strewn with the battered and bloodied bodies of their opponents, they will bring back the Tag Team titles to The Firm where they belong.

Then lastly, your P2G Dream Champion, the 'Tasmanian Terror' Dan Hammer will go into the ring against........
Well thats just it, I still have no idea who I will face or even whom I will face.

For all i know, it could be one, two or even three opponents.

They could be a veteran, a rookie or even an outsider.
Or maybe even a 'Legend'.

But you see, here's the kicker.

It don't matter who it is......
how many it is........
For one thing is for sure.
I will walk into Battleground as the Path 2 Glory Dream Champion and I'll walk out as Dream Champion.

And the only thing that i can also.promise is that whoever I face it will be a living, breathing nightmare.

He chuckles to himself.

Dan Hammer: And there you have it, by the end of the night.
Once Battleground is in the record books. THE Firm will be standing 'firm', dripping in gold and once again where we belong.

On the top, the very top of this business.

Champions, warriors and legends.

And we shall just as Arcimedes states.....

The camera fades to black.
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