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Seraphim The Winged Danger Empty Seraphim The Winged Danger

Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:54 pm
Character Information

General Information
Real name: Shanice
Ring name: Seraphim
Height: 5`7 Foot
Weight: 135 LBS
Place of birth: Tennessee
Billed from: Newport Tennessee
Catchphrase: "Welcome to your suffering"
Other nicknames: The Winged Danger
Personality: Cunning, manipulative, eloquent

Physical Information
Skin tone: White
Physical build: Average
Eye colour: BROWN
Hair colour: BLACK
Other physical features(s):None

Backstage: gothic-inspired wrestling gear

Entrance: gothic-inspired wrestling gear and black wings

In-ring: gothic-inspired wrestling gear

Early Life: Cryl was deformed and mistreated by his father, forced to live in a barn and survive on raw animal meat. Seraphim, beaten for defending him, showed resilience and protective instincts.

Mother's Intervention: Their mother called the authorities, leading to their placement in an orphanage. Their parents were later found murdered in a gruesome scene, with rumors of an older brother who disappeared.

Present Motivation: Their traumatic past drives their sadistic behavior and bond, seeking solace in causing pain and chaos in the wrestling circuit.

Early Life and Family

Cryl and Seraphim were born into a family marred by darkness and cruelty. Their father, a bitter and resentful man, harbored deep hatred towards Cryl from the moment he was born. Cryl's severe facial deformity made him an outcast in his own home, with his father labeling him a "monster" and treating him with relentless disdain.

Cryl’s Isolation:

From a young age, Cryl was forced to sleep in the family barn, isolated from the rest of the household. Deprived of basic necessities, he was given little to no food. Desperation drove him to kill animals and eat their raw meat, a grim act of survival that only fueled his father's hatred further.

Seraphim’s Struggle:

Seraphim, Cryl’s younger sister, grew up witnessing the brutality inflicted upon her brother. Despite being smaller and weaker, she often stood up to their father, defending Cryl whenever possible. Her acts of defiance were met with severe beatings, but her resolve never wavered. She became Cryl’s protector and the only source of love and compassion in his life.

Mother's Desperation

Their mother, a fragile and helpless woman, was caught in the crossfire of her husband's rage and her children's suffering. Unable to physically defend them, she found herself powerless against her husband's wrath. However, her love for Cryl and Seraphim drove her to seek help in the only way she could—by calling the authorities.

The Orphanage:

Authorities intervened and took Cryl and Seraphim away, placing them in an orphanage. Although life in the orphanage was harsh, it was a respite from their father’s brutality. The siblings' bond grew stronger as they relied on each other for emotional and physical support.

The Parents' Murder

Not long after their removal from the house, a gruesome discovery was made. Cryl and Seraphim's parents were found murdered in their home, blood splattered across the walls of the house and the barn. The sheer brutality of the crime shocked the community, leading to rampant speculation and fear.

The Rumors:

Rumors began to circulate about an older brother, abandoned by their parents years before, who might have returned for revenge. Others whispered that Cryl and Seraphim, despite their young age, had somehow played a role in the murders. The truth remained elusive, adding a layer of mystery and fear to the siblings' already dark narrative.

Path to Wrestling

Adoption of Dark Personas:

Scarred by their past, Cryl and Seraphim found a way to channel their pain and anger through wrestling. Cryl adopted the persona of a silent, menacing figure, donning coveralls and a Michael Myers mask to conceal his deformity. His signature move, "Time to Bleed," a variation of the F5, became infamous for its brutality.

Seraphim’s Role:

Seraphim became the articulate mouthpiece for Cryl, her gothic-inspired wrestling gear and black wings creating a striking and ominous presence. A submission specialist, Seraphim relished in causing suffering, her signature moves "Angel's Grasp" and "Wing Clipper" designed to inflict maximum pain. Her eloquent and chilling promos added psychological warfare to their matches, making them one of the most feared duos in the wrestling circuit.

Motivations and Legacy

Bond of Pain:

The trauma of their past and the bond they forged in adversity drive Cryl and Seraphim's actions in the ring. They seek not just to win, but to inflict pain and fear, using their dark personas to exact a twisted form of retribution on the world.

Unresolved Mystery:

The mystery of their parents' murder and the rumored older brother adds an intriguing layer to their characters. Occasional hints and teases about the older brother's existence keep the audience hooked, wondering if and when this figure will emerge from the shadows.

Legacy of Suffering:

Cryl and Seraphim’s story is one of survival, resilience, and the transformative power of pain. They are complex, multi-dimensional characters who embody the dark side of human nature, using their platform in the wrestling circuit to confront their past and shape their legacy.

General Style

Seraphim is A Technician
Seraphim could care less with rules and is very violent

Top 10 RP Moves SERAPHIM
Any Submission Move

Signature Moves SERAPHIM: Angel's Grasp (neck and spine submission), Wing Clipper (arm immobilization to armbar)

Finishers SERAPHIM
Face Punch (Submission)
hits [opponent] in the face
over and over again [move]

Neckscrew (Submission)
[fighter] takes [opponent] from behind by the neck
and starts twisting the head of [opponent] trying to take the head off executing a [move]

Entrance Seraphim (Work in Progress):

Shadows dance in the eerie mist of the dimmed lights, building suspense for the powerful and enigmatic entrance of the mystical pro wrestler known as Seraphim.
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