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Dan Hammer
Posts : 104
Join date : 2022-10-05

Battlezone Breakdown (Battlezone Aftermath RP) Empty Battlezone Breakdown (Battlezone Aftermath RP)

Tue Jun 11, 2024 8:01 am
Battlezone Breakdown (Battlezone Aftermath RP) IuNchm6

The scene opens on a dimly lit room.  In the center of the shot is what looks to be a table.  Behind the table, partly shrouded in darkness, there are four empty chairs.
There is an uneasy silence which is broken by the sound of a door opening off camera, then footsteps.
In to the room walk the 'Suicide Blonde' Sophie Desire, the 'Brixton Bad Boy' Eddie London and the 'Brazilian Beast' SilvaDog.
All three members of The Firm silently but with purpose take there places behind one of the chairs.
They all in unison look toward the door and in walks the ominously hulking figure of the 'Thunder from Down Under', the 'Tasmanian Terror'.........Dan Hammer.

He takes  his place behind the central chair and all four of them sit down in unison.

Dan looks down the lens of the camera with intensity.

Dan Hammer: Battlezone was quite a night.
And i know what some of you are thinking.
You're sitting at home in your tighty white pants, with your below average job and your under-whelming I.Q.
And the conclusion, the opinion that you have is that we....THE FIRM, did not have such a great night at Battlezone.
The we....THE FIRM are somehow in the middle of a crisis, that we....THE FIRM are not the force we once where.

He shakes his head slowly.

Dan Hammer: Well, let me start by saying that in some regard, you are right.

Yes, at Battlezone....THE FIRM, did not fulfil all that was promised.
So, i guess...YES, we did not have a great night at Battlezone.
Yes, we did not bring home the 'Faux' BWE Elite Championship.
Yes, we did not regain OUR P2G Tag Team titles.
There are positives, but before i get to them, let's take a look at the negatives.

First, SilvaDog being screwed out of the BWE Elite Title....
Well, whilst it is true that Silva should be holding that title right here, right now.
We realise that in reality, that title means jack (Expletive).
For we already hold the 'REAL' version, you see the 'Tasmanian Terror' in the 'REAL' BWE Elite champion.
The Firm are the 'ONLY' Elite champions in the whole of this industry.
So to that end, i hereby relinquish that title and present the 'REAL' BWE Elite Championship to my right hand man.....
The 'Elite Beast'....SILVADOG!!

SilvaDog nods in appreciation toward Dan Hammer.

Dan Hammer: Now, onto the second negative from Battlezone.
The P2G Tag Team titles........
Yes, we failed to beat the cheating goons from Dumb Cocks (DC).
And yes, we also fell short when it came to nailing some 'pussies'!
We still are the most dominant tag team in the world.
No matter which combination of The Firm it is, we will get OUR titles back.
So from now on it's open season on the Tag Champs.
It don't matter where or when, it could be the parking lot, the canteen, the locker room....hell it could even be in the crapper.

We're taking you out, not out out but OUT!

Now on to the positives.

We are not only the most dominant faction here in P2G but we are still are the biggest draw in P2G.
And of course, I AM STILL the premier champion on this brand.
The measuring stick, the standard, the grade by which all will be judged here in P2G.

He pauses.

Dan Hammer: So now that Battlezone is in the history books, we learn.
We adapt and we forget the negatives, we move on to bigger and better things.
We continue our relentless quest to drag this shit hole to the very top of this business.

You see, wrestlers come and go, champions come and go.......
THE FIRM..........


The camera fades to black

Last edited by Dan Hammer on Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
Dan Hammer
Posts : 104
Join date : 2022-10-05

Battlezone Breakdown (Battlezone Aftermath RP) Empty Re: Battlezone Breakdown (Battlezone Aftermath RP)

Sat Jun 22, 2024 3:10 pm
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