Path to Glory
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September 2024


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Posts : 97
Join date : 2020-05-26
Age : 58
Location : Whitehall, Pa.

Paper Champion (Hype show) Empty Paper Champion (Hype show)

Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:02 am
A lone camera turns on inside of a completely dark room. Suddenly a single light turns on above a wrestling ring. A lone figure sits on a steel chair in the center of the ring, with his head lowered. A Path to Glory tag team championship belt is draped over his shoulder.

In the background a DC banner hangs on the wall, dimly lit by the light from above the ring.

Widowmaker is obviously sitting in DC's training ring that is located in the Dream Council's Hideaway mansion.

The camera zooms in slightly as Widowmaker raises his head to look directly into it.

Widowmaker's eyes have a tone of seriousness and there is no expression on his face whatsoever.

Widowmaker:  I'm sure you all have noticed how the Dream Council and the Dream Championship go hand in hand. But, then again, there are still quite a few of you who have not yet learned that valuable lesson.

A Dream Rumble seems like the perfect setting to teach you all that lesson. That is DC's belt and we are coming to take it back.

How you ask?

Widowmaker pauses to reach up and pat his hand on the tag championship belt that is draped over his shoulder.

Widowmaker:  The same way that we brought the tag belts back to where they belong. By being DC and dominating this company. Haven't you all learned by now that Wolfie and the Council always have a plan?

Let's take a look at this Rumble...

Widowmaker picks up a piece of paper that is sitting on his lap. He begins to read it.

Widowmaker:  Who are the participants in this match?

Teacher.... Arthur May... Rayansh... Nak... Ryder... Mauler... Carty... Jonny... Gino... Silva... Sophie... King of Hearts... Vahn... Wolfie... Widowmaker... Dr Ashla Mari... Jimmy... Kofi... Eddie... Blackwood... Krash...
Elijah... Ravenna... Arrow... Roak... Jack... Piper... BDD... Skye

Widowmaker crumbles up the piece of paper and tosses it to the mat.

Widowmaker:  A wide array of talent there, but, do you see something I see?

Widowmaker tilts his head to one side and back straight before he continues...

Widowmaker:  Well, it doesn't much matter whether you do or not. You all will find out soon enough. Many on that list have faced the wrath of DC before, many have not...yet. Don't worry, we don't discriminate. I'd advise you all to dispel the rumours that have gone around about DC being done, finished, old news. Obviously we are none of those dumb assed conspiracies.

I will say this... there are two on that list that hold accolades with the Dream Title that nobody else can claim. One is Wolfie, who held it more times than anyone else. The other is me, who held it longer than anyone else. Either one of us are capable of taking that title and representing it well.

Are you stupid enough to think that we don't have a plan to bring that belt back where it belongs... just like the tag belts?!

I know, I know, there is one name I failed to mention. The current Dream Champion... Daniel Hammer.

The self-proclaimed  'Tasmanian Terror'. More like the  'Tasmanian Turd'.

Daniel, though you are a fierce competitor, I will give you that, I don't like you. I haven't liked you since all the way back to BWE's Beach Bbq Bash, where you completely disrespected my friend and stablemate Wolfie. I haven't forgotten. Then, you bring your band of muppets and try to take over what DC built?! That shit stops now!

Widowmaker's face remains expressionless while fire fills his eyes.

Widowmaker:  You are a paper champion. You come up with fake titles to make yourself look better and bigger than you actually are. The only legit title that you hold is that Dream Title, and you are about to lose that... courtesy of DC.

Before coming to Path to Glory, I ran roughshod through every independent company in the United States. I became champion and left every single one of them as champion. My home in Wyoming has more gold in it than Fort Knox. I don't need to run around here bragging about how many titles I hold, or have held. I just kick asses.

You on the other hand...

You lack self-confidence, so you write down a bunch of letters on a piece of paper and you call yourself champion of it. Kind of like those yo yo's that have big monster trucks with the rubber bull balls hanging from the rear bumper. Compensating for a lack of something.

Watch, I can do that too.

Widowmaker picks up another piece of paper that is laying on his lap and reads.

Widowmaker:  I'm the ABC champ, the DEF champ, the forever GHI champ, the C U next Tuesday champ... no wait, that's you. I'm the reigning LMNOP champ, I am also the X, the Y and the Z champion.

Widowmaker crumbles and tosses that piece of paper as well.

Widowmaker:  See how easy that was to stake those claims? Did you believe me? Well, I don't believe you either.

Listen to me closely Daniel...

DC is taking the Dream Title from you at the Rumble, period. It really doesn't matter which one of us it is. Since you are number one in the match, you can only pray to be eliminated before we hit the ring.

I'm sure you feel pretty good about yourself over the victory you had over me at the Last Man Standing match you and I had. Bet that makes you feel... confident? Let me ask you this Daniel. How do you know that I didn't throw that match to give you that false confidence?

I guess you don't, do you? As has been clearly stated, Wolfie and DC always have a plan. At the Rumble, that plan is to destroy you and bring the Dream Title back to the Dream Council and set things right, once and for all.

Widowaker pauses a moment to look down and shake his head, before looking back up at the camera.

Widowmaker:  When that is completed, Champ, maybe you would like to put your money where your mouth is and put your paper championships up. Ya know, prove that you are the champion that you say you are. I will gladly take them all from you and leave you with absolutely nothing... exposing you for who you truly are at the core.

A scared little boy trapped in a man's body.

You have no idea who I am or what I am capable of. You only know what I want you to know Danny Boy.

Hell, in the form of DC, is going to rain down upon you at the Dream Rumble, get your affairs in order.

As for the rest of you... you have been warned.

Widowmaker clenches his jaw as rage fills his eyes.

Widowmaker:  MAULER!

I don't even know where to begin with your sorry ass.

So, I'm not going to. Not now anyway. I will address you at a later time.

Widowmaker abruptly gets up from the chair, forcing it to fly into the ropes behind him and crash to the mat. He approches the ropes in front of him and glares into the camera.

Widowmaker:  And it won't be 'Just Business', it will be Absolutely Personal!

Widowmaker continues to glare into the camera as it is turned off.
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