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Dan Hammer
Posts : 104
Join date : 2022-10-05

I 'Dream' of a land Down Under (Dream Rumble) Empty I 'Dream' of a land Down Under (Dream Rumble)

Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:21 pm
I 'Dream' of a land Down Under (Dream Rumble) IuNchm6

The camera fades in from black, focusing on a dimly lit room.
The mood is tense but electric.
The camera pans slowly to reveal Samuel L. Jackson, standing alone, his intense gaze piercing through the lens.
In the background a large monitor is playing clips of the 'Tasmanian Terror' Dan Hammer.

Samuel L. Jackson: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, warriors and dreamers, listen up!
'Cause what I'm about to say, you're gonna wanna hear.
Tonight, there's a match.
Now, we ain't just talkin' about any match, we're talkin' about the Dream Rumble!
Thirty men, one ring, and one chance to become the Path 2 Glory Dream Champion.
And guess who's stepping into that squared circle first?
That's right, the man, the myth, the legend— THE Path 2 Glory Dream Champ himself, "The Tasmanian Terror" Dan Hammer!

He pauses and smiles.

Samuel L. Jackson: Now, I ain't here to sugarcoat nothin'.
Starting at number one in a battle royal is like being the first soldier to storm the beach.
It's grit, it's grind, it's gonna take everything you got and then some to survive.
But let me tell you somethin' about Dan Hammer.
He ain't just any man.
He's an undeniable, unstoppable force of nature, a whirlwind of fire and fury, he's got the heart of a fearless lion and the soul of a legendary champion.

He points directly at the camera, his voice rising with passion.

Samuel L. Jackson: Now, they say it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.
And believe me, Dan Hammer's got a fight in him that's gonna shake the very foundations of this arena.
He’s gonna go out there and face twenty-nine other men, each one thinkin' they got what it takes to dethrone him, each one believing that THEY are worthy to be called ‘Champion’.
But here's the kicker —Dan Hammer ain't just defendin' a title.
He's defendin' a legacy, a dream, a vision of what it means to be the very best of the best.

Jackson takes a step closer, his voice dropping to a fierce whisper.

Samuel L. Jackson: Dreams ain't just for sleepin', folks.
Dreams are for the brave, the bold, and the relentless.
And tonight, Dan Hammer is gonna show you what happens when you chase that dream with every ounce of your being.
He's gonna step into that ring and he's gonna remind each and every one of those contenders that they are walkin' into his house.
A house built on sweat, blood, and tears.
A house where only the worthy can stand tall.

His voice rises again.

Samuel L. Jackson: So, to all you watching, take notes.
This is more than a match—this is a statement!
This is about proving that when life knocks you down, you get back up and you hit harder.
This is about showin' that champions are made not in comfort, but in conflict

He steps back, the camera zooming in on his intense gaze.

Samuel L. Jackson: Now, I know some of y'all are sittin' there, thinkin' it's impossible.
That the odds are way too high.
That no man can outlast twenty-nine others, entering first and leaving last.
But let me tell you somethin' about Dan Hammer.
He's not just any man.
He's a man who's faced adversity head-on, who's stared down the barrel of doubt and laughed.
He's a man who's climbed mountains, crossed deserts, and fought battles that would break lesser men.

Jackson's voice softens for a moment, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Samuel L. Jackson: You see, the thing about dreams is they require sacrifice.
They demand perseverance.
They ask you to give more than you ever thought you could.
And Dan Hammer?
He's given it all.
He's bled for this, he's sweat for this, he's lived every single day with one goal in mind—to be the best.
And tonight, as he steps into that ring as the first entrant, he’s not just fighting for a title.
He's fighting to show the world that dreams can be reality, that the impossible is possible, and that no matter the odds, true champions rise.

The intensity returns to Jackson's voice.

Samuel L. Jackson: So to those other twenty-nine men, I got one thing to say: Be ready. 'Cause when Dan Hammer steps into that ring, he's not only bringin' the storm, he’s bringin’ the ‘Thunder’.
He's bringin' the fury of the outback, the determination of a warrior, and the heart of a champion. He's gonna go through each and every one of you like a hot knife through butter.
And when it's all said and done, when the final bell rings, there will be no doubt left.

He pauses, letting the weight of his words sink in.

Samuel L. Jackson: This ain't just a rumble.
This is a reckoning. This is a testament to the power of dreams and the strength of the human spirit. So remember this moment.
Etch it into your minds. 'Cause tonight, history will be made.
And when the dust settles, when the smoke clears, one man and one man only will stand tall, holding that Path 2 Glory Dream Championship high.
And that man will be none other than the ‘Tasmanian Terror’ Dan "Mother F******g" Hammer.

Jackson steps even closer to the camera, his voice dropping to a whisper.

Samuel L. Jackson: So take time to soak it in.
Remember this very moment.
Remember this night.
'Cause history is about to be made.
And when Dan Hammer walks out that ring, the world will know that dreams ain't just for dreamers—they're also for champions.  
And tonight, you're gonna witness the making of not just a legend., but the making of THE LEGEND!
So buckle up, folks. It's gonna be one hell of a ride.

The screen fades to black, as Samuel L Jackson walks off camera.
Dan Hammer
Posts : 104
Join date : 2022-10-05

I 'Dream' of a land Down Under (Dream Rumble) Empty Re: I 'Dream' of a land Down Under (Dream Rumble)

Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:49 pm
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