Path to Glory
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September 2024


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Spymaster Backstage interview Empty Spymaster Backstage interview

Thu Sep 21, 2023 1:33 am
Backstage interview with Susan Black

Sound of footsteps coming down the hall, camera pans to a man dressed in a tailored grey suit walking down the hall. Susan Black is several feet away from him talking with her camera guy. She looks up at the sound of footsteps and sees the grey suit. She signals her crew and runs to the man.

Susan Black: You must be The Spymaster.

Spymaster looks at the mic but does not stop walking, forcing Susan to walk backwards to stay in front of him.

Spymaster: Well, if I must be then I guess I am, but you could call me just Bob.

Spymaster suddenly grabs Susan by the arm and stops her.

Spymaster: Be careful!

Spymaster points to a large pile of manure.

Spymaster: I wasn’t aware this promotion had barnyard animals on the roster.

Susan turns and looks at what she almost stepped in.

Susan Black: That must have been Midnight, Widowmakerers horse. He came through a few minutes before you. Sure, glad you stopped me that would have ruined my night.

Spymaster: You should pay more attention to your surroundings, especially if you work with people that don’t clean up after their animals. Yes, I saw your interview with him, pleasant fellow apart from the chest pounding. So, I guess I have to say something back to this Windowmaker? Right then, Windowmaker, whatever a “whoopy ass” expert is I am sure you are quite good at it, but I am here for a wrestling match, so if you wouldn’t mind too much leave your animal in a barn where it belongs and keep your “whoopy ass” to yourself, we will get along just fine. See you in the ring Buttercup.

Susan carefully steps around the pile of manure; she looks a little flustered as she turns to the camera. Spymaster tips his hat to Susan and continues walking towards the locker room.

Susan Black: Well, there you have it folks, looks like Spymaster err... he said to call him just Bob has a few words for Widowmaker and Midnight. Can’t wait to see these two get in the squared circle and finish this debate

Susan makes a cutting motion and the camera fades to black.
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