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September 2024


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Archon Xian
Posts : 14
Join date : 2024-07-03

Bloodstain Bio Empty Bloodstain Bio

Wed Jul 03, 2024 5:44 pm

General Information

Real name: Martin Hawkins
Ring name: Bloodstain
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 230 lbs
Place of birth: Austin, Texas
Billed from: Death Valley, California
Other nicknames: Butcher
Alignment: Heel

Physical Information

Skin tone: Light Brown
Physical build: Ripped
Eye colour: Purple (contacts)
Hair colour: None
Other physical features(s): Well maintained beard, dark blue and gold half sleeve on his left bicep going to his shoulder.


HEAD - Black and white keffiyeh
TORSO - A dark grey or black vest over a crisp white shirt and a conservative tie
WAIST/LEGS/FEET - Black or grey trouser pants and Dr Martens

Same as in-ring, except wearing a plain black shirt, and having his hands uncovered

FACE - Red Face Paint over left eye in the shape of a human hand
TORSO - nothing
ARMS - nothing
WAIST/LEGS/FEET - pure white wrestling pants and wrestling boots.


Much of his past is shrouded in mystery, rumors of an abusive father, a youth getting in trouble with the law, fleeing a murder charge were all sealed when he joined active service in Aghanistan.

Given his penchant for violence and mayhem, he earned the name Bloodstained because he was usually covered in blood when he got back to camp from an op.

One day, he was caught in the middle of a friendly fire bombardment, rather than admit a mistake was made, they left him for dead, reported Killed in Action.

The concussion gave him amnesia and he was found and nursed back to health by locals. He converted and deep anger to his former countrymen grew in heart.

 It was then decided he would send a message to their enemies that theh were weak. Thousands of Americans tuned in to watch wrestling, so it was decided to be medium to be used to send a message across.

Bloodstain was smuggled back into the States along with his manager and were soon accepted into the fed.


Bloodstain hates everything about America and what it represents. He will openly deride them as facists and despots, openly supporting enemies of the state. Surprisingly, this garnered him many fans among the liberals.

Moveset Information

General Style

 Bloodstain tends to punish his foes, displaying a variety of moves while attacking in different ways. Eventually, he get through their defenses and either cut them open or trap in a submission and forcing them to tap out.

Top 10 RP Moves (Not Signatures)


Snake Eyes

Pulling Piledriver

Falling Neckbreaker

Back Elbow Smaah

Headlock & Punch

Indian Death Lock

Choke at Ropes

Hard Headbutt

Flying X Factor


Name - Bloody Mark (DDT)
Description - Bloodstain grabs the opponent's head falling backward into the mat.

Name - Blood Stained (Samoan Drop)
Description - Bloodstain loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground.

Name - Blood Eagle Extreme (Strangle Hold)
Description - Bloodstain grabs his opponent's arm while he lying on his back and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling the arm.


Name - Blood, Sweat and Tears

Original move - Running DDT/Super Kick/Cross Face Chicken Wing

Description - Bloodstain hits a running DDT followed by a Suicide Super Kick to The Opponent on the center of the ring
and locking a Cross Faced Chicken Wing Submission executing Blood, Sweat and Tears

Name - Blood Money

Original move - Irish Whip/Super Kick/Inverted DDT

Description - Bloodstain Irish Whips The Opponent  into the fpes before hitting a Super Kick to the face
stunning him long enough to hit an Inverted Hanging DDT executing the Blood Money

Name - Blood Bath
Original move - Rapid blows with a set of hidden brass knuckles

Description - Bloodstain pummels The opponent with brass knuckles opening him like a can of tomato soup
executing the notorious Blood Bath leaving the fans in shock and frenzy


The arena lights turn off, and the crowd goes silent, there is thin wail of mullah calling to the faithful , as red smoke fills the stage before Bloodstain emerges with his manager who is carrying some sort of flag with curvic lettering

Bad Company by Five Finger Death Punch blares over the speakers as he makes his way to the ring

Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring! From Death Valley, California! Standing at 6'3" tall, weighing in at 230 pounds. Ladies and gentlemen, Bloodstain.

Entering the ring, his manager waves the flag to taunt the crowd before exiting the ring. Bloodstain's mouth curls in a sneer at his opponent as the match begins.
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