Path to Glory
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October 2024


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Eddie Wilson
Posts : 9
Join date : 2024-06-30

Eddie Wilson vs Jeremiah Justice PLOW #3 Empty Eddie Wilson vs Jeremiah Justice PLOW #3

Sat Jul 27, 2024 12:24 am
Mark White is walking down the hall to the last room  at the end of the hall, he can hear music playing already as he makes his way along the corridor. As he nears, he can clearly make out  the music as well as the lyrics.

I stay out too late
Got nothing in my brain
That's what people say, mm-mm
That's what people say, mm-mm
I go on too many dates
But I can't make 'em stay
At least that's what people say, mm-mm
That's what people say, mm-mm
But I keep cruisin'
Can't stop, won't stop movin'
It's like I got this music in my mind
Sayin' it's gonna be alright
'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (hoo-hoo-hoo)
Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (hoo-hoo-hoo)

More than that, the door to the dressing room is open and he can clearly see Eddie Wilson in his tighty whiteys and cowboy hat dancing. If fact, Mark White seems to be truly thankful that the floor is concrete and has no give, otherwise the large man dancing would likely be shaking the building at it's foundations. Mark almost wants to laugh as Eddie Wilson is swiping his hand from his shoulder as if suggesting to shake it off. Quickly Mark closes in on his interview prospect, clearing his throat as he approached, trying to save the big man any embarrassment. But Eddie Wilson seems to be beyond the spectrum of embarrassment, as he turns and sees Mark approaching and then reaches over to turn the radio down.

Eddie Wilson: Hey Mark, how are ya?

Mark White: I'm good thanks, a bit of unusual music for you isn't it?

Eddie Wilson: Hell naw! I like all kinds of music, all the different genres.

Mark Wilson: Well I'm here to get an interview Eddie, but ummm... Would you mind putting on some pants first?

Eddie grins and nods his head. He moves to his duffel bag and reaches inside to pull out his wrestling tights. He pulls them on and then sits down on the bench.

Eddie Wilson: Sure thang Mark, I don't reckon that the people at home wanna see me in my underwear.

Mark White: Ummm yes, I do believe you may well be correct in that assumption. So ummm.... Tighty Whiteys?

Eddie Wilson: When I'm wrestling sure, ya know how hard it is ta get on yer tights when yer wearing boxers? Damn things always bunch up, it's real uncomfortable.

Mark White: Yes, quite... Anyway, I first wish to congratulate you on your win last week. Very impressive and a very impressive hard hitting match.

Eddie Wilson: Well thank ya Mark, but I didn't do it all by my lonesome. Heras was a great opponent fer me. He gave me what fer. I gotta tell ya, we beat the hell outta each other, could have gone either way. Ya know, I watch the show after it's done, and I'd like at extend the hand of friendship ta Heras. I don't know if he needs a friend, but I sure as hell do. I'm new here, and I think I would like somebody ta hang out with.

Mark White: Yes, you are new here, new to England I believe. How do you find it?

Eddie smiles and he takes the hat off his head and hangs it from the saddle horn that straddles the bench. He shakes his head to get the hair out of his eyes.

Eddie Wilson: Hell, I've been having a purty good time. I like ta make friends when I can. I went out and saw those royal guards with the big furry black hats, they sure were a sight. I gotta give it to 'em. Takes a lot of discipline ta stand like that fer hours. I was also walkin' down the street, looking ta see what I could git inta, and this feller came up ta me and told me he saw me on television. Said he liked my matches, then he invited me ta hang out with him. We hit a few bars, did some drinkin', just had a good ole time.

Mark White: Well I'm glad that you are enjoying your time here...

Eddie Wilson: Ya know mark, that feller told me that he didn't like King of Hearts, said he didn't like what King of Hearts said. Well I saw that interview too and I gotta tell ya, I think I must've put one helluva knot on that guy's noggin. I mean he think he won the match easily, yea he won, but apparently he don't remember the ass whippin' I gave ta him. I gave as good as I got.

Mark White: Yes, well I suppose King of Hearts perhaps doesn't think you fought hard enough.

Eddie Wilson: Hell if'n he wants me ta fight harder, I can do that. I can do that with my enemies. So the question is, does King of Hearts want me as an enemy?

Mark seems a little uncomfortable at the question, he certainly wouldn't want to answer for King of Hearts, so instead he changes the subject.

Mark White: Speaking of fights, this time you will be facing Jeremiah Justice, any thoughts on that match?

Eddie Wilson: I think I told ya before, I watch all the matches. Not jest from this PLOW tournament, but from the main show as well. It's always good ta know everything ya can about prospective opponents. Now Jeremiah Justice, he's a big'un jest like me. I'd say we're purty close ta the same size. He's gotta lot of fight in him too. I expect a hell of a fight from him. The only question I have is this, he's goin' on about justice, how he's here ta brang justice ta the promotion. So Jeremiah, are ya talkin' about justice fer the promotion or fer yerself? Cause I ain't no one ta be on yer path fer justice, this is just a tournament fight. And ya'll git a fight, but if'n ya try ta hurt me, well hoss, I'm gonna brang the same fire that you do. We can make it a clean fight between two guys tryin' ta git ahead in this promotion or ya can make it a personal thang. I'm hopin' fer a clean fight, I like ta fight, but I don't like ta fight dirty. Fightin' dirty is fer survival fights. So make up yer mind hoss, jest who am I ta ya?

Mark nods his head as he listens and he listens intently to Eddie's words. Eddie waits for another question, his hand running through his hair to push it back out of his face.

Mark White: Well that says a lot Eddie, and I'll say this to you. In this promotion, you may very well be fighting for survival, I think you need to set your mind to that. Other than that though, do you have any parting words?

Eddie Wilson: Mark, I know ya keep tellin' me ta be more aggressive, and maybe like ya say, I will have ta git more aggressive. I jest don't like ta hurt people without reason. But yea, I got some partin' words. Yukimura Furuhata, welcome ta the show, from me at least. I gotta a lot of respect fer Yukimura, his style. I was in Japan, did a tour there fer about 2 months. They're tough and their style, the puroresu or Strong style, it's a hell of a style. They really put everythang inta their punches and kicks, their holds are painful as hell. So if'n no one else has the sense ta consider Yukimura as someone ta be respected, I do. The rest will find out the hard way, like I say, it's a stupid idea ta underestimate someone, even stupider ta underestimate Yukimura.

Mark White: So do you know any of the puroresu style?

Eddie Wilson: Nah, I was only there fer about two months, I do know how mush it can hurt though. Also, David Brown kinda irritated me. Yukimura has enough brains ta learn English, it's a second language ta him. English is also probably the hardest language ta learn, the way some words have different meanings, or how there's more than one word that has the same meaning, words not spelled like they're spelled and then ya add all the slang on top of all that. I'd say that proves Yukimura's intelligence.

Mark White: Yes well, I can certainly say that David does not speak for the whole company.

Eddie Wilson: I have a great respect fer the Japanese people as it is, when I was over there they treated me very well. Even though most Americans seem ta go out of their way to dump on other cultures, the Japanese didn't hold that against me. Took me out and had a good ole time. They're also one o' the most honorable people as whole that I have ever known.

Mark White: Well thank you Eddie, that's certainly some very interesting insight. I do like your thoughts on respecting other cultures as well. But I think we took up enough time for the interview, I'll let you get ready for your match.

The scene slowly fades to black as Eddie stands up and starts digging through his duffel bag once again.
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