Path to Glory
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October 2024


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Eddie Wilson
Posts : 9
Join date : 2024-06-30

PLOW #6 Eddie Wilson vs Samoa Malone Empty PLOW #6 Eddie Wilson vs Samoa Malone

Wed Aug 21, 2024 5:22 am
Mark White is making his way down the hall again, ready to do another interview with Eddie Wilson. His eyes looking straight down the hall to the last room at the end. He can already hear the music floating up the hall towards him, more so he can hear Eddie's loud booming deep voice singing along with the song. Though not terrible, the big man's voice isn't too bad, though more suited to a bass in a chorus than for singing a whole song, then again he might not sound too bad singing Johnny Cash songs.

Nibblin' on sponge cake, watchin' the sun bake
All of those tourists covered with oil
Strummin' my six-string on my front porch swing
Smell those shrimp, they're beginnin' to boil

Wastin' away again in Margaritaville
Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt
Some people claim that there's a woman to blame
But I know it's nobody's fault

Don't know the reason I stayed here all season
Nothin' to show but this brand new tattoo
But it's a real beauty, a Mexican cutie
How it got here I haven't a clue

Wastin' away again in Margaritaville
Searchin' for my lost shaker of salt
Some people claim that there's a woman to blame
Now I think, hell, it could be my fault

Mark can see Eddie on the bench getting ready for tonight's match, humming and singing along with Margaritaville as he tapes up his ankles and wrists. So busy with his preparations, he doesn't notice Mark standing in the doorway watching him. Mark clears his throat to gain his attention and Eddie turns and smiles and then reaches over to shut the radio off.

Eddie Wilson: Hey Mark! How's it goin'?

Mark White: Well enough thank you Eddie. I just popped in because I want to get your thoughts on tonight's match, which I can tell you will definitely be happening. I saw Samoa Malone earlier, so he's here.

Eddie Wilson: Well hell, that is good news. More than ya think Mark.

Mark steps further into the room to allow the cameraman to move into the doorway in order to get both men on camera.

Mark White: Why is that?

Eddie Wilson: Well Mark, ya know I'm always lookin' fer a good fight and hell, you've seen the size of Malone fer one. I've seen him in action and that ole boy jest brings more honor ta the Samoans. The Samoans are always a good fightin' people. They can always brang it, in the ring or on the street.

Mark White: Well Samoa Malone is indeed a very fine wrestler, very strong and very quick despite his size.

Eddie just grins and pulls on his boots, he sits up and slaps his thigh. He then stands to his full height, perhaps in other situations he would look menacing, but with the big smile on his face he just looks friendly.

Eddie Wilson: So ya want my thoughts? Maybe ya want me ta growl and put on my war face? Well, I tell ya what Mark, I'm gonna put on my war face here in a minute, hell I'm gonna tell ya what I think about this match. Ya see, people see me and at first many think I'm jest dangerous, well hell, I reckon I can be dangerous when the need hits me. Others see my big friendly smile and think I'm jest a big ole teddy bear. I can be that too, as long as I don't git riled up. Hell Mark, even you thought I was too nice ta be here. So you ready fer me ta tell ya how it's gonna be Mark?

Mark White: That's why I'm here Eddie, to get your thoughts on the match. I still think you're a nice guy Eddie, but I also know that you can hold your own in that ring.

At this point, the smile fades from Eddie's face, replaced by a scowl, it's at this point that Eddie looks menacing, it's at this point that people might realize that despite his friendly overtures, that Eddie could very well fight as well as anyone.

Eddie Wilson: Y'all have seen me, y'all have seen me fight. Fer some reason though, some people are still underestimating me, I reckon it's cause of my friendly nature outside the ring. Well if people are that stupid and then git in the ring with me, they're gonna find out the hard way that they done stepped inta ring with a big ole mean ass grizzly bear! In that ring, I ain't friendly, some have found out the hard way. So what do I gotta say? I say this, Samoa, I know you can fight, hell I hope ya can fight. So tonight in this ring, what say you and I tear the house down. No holding back! Let's show these people what the hell we can do. I say we beat the hell outta each other, who the hell better ta do it? One big mean and nasty Samoan and one big mean and nasty cowboy! I say we git in that ring and we beat each other bloody, I say we put all the other matches ta shame! Nothin' personal hoss, but I'm gonna hit ya hard. I'm gonna do my best ta knock yer damn head off with a clothesline. Full force, all the way and I expect ya ta do the same! Don't ya dare hold back! After it's finished, if ya want ta shake hands, then we'll shake, but we leave it all and then some in that damn ring!

Mark White: Wow! Eddie, I don't think I've ever heard you so fired up. Where's this coming from?

Eddie Wilson: King of Hearts! He's got this notion that he's the measuring stick, that he's the gate keeper! Well tonight I'm gonna break the measuring stick and then later? I'm gonna bust through the damn gate! You want ta see people give their all King? You want ta tell everybody that they have ta impress you? Well hoss, I'm gonna do more than impress! I'm gonna beat yer gate down! I'm gonna beat yer ass down and then I'm gonna take yer keys and throw 'em away, cause ya set yerself up! Ya named yerself gatekeeper! Ya think I was easy last time? Next damn time we meet, I'm gonna bust ya up so bad, that if ya ferget this time what it was like ta be in the ring with me, it'll be cause ya got amnesia!

Mark looks a little worried at the change over coming Eddie and he steps back. Eddie has apparently gone into that special zone, that zone where warriors live.

Mark White: Um.... well, there you have it fans....

The camera fades to black as Eddie still scowling, puts his hat on along with his long tan coat, apparenly staying in the zone as his match approaches.
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