Path to Glory
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October 2024


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Eddie Wilson
Posts : 9
Join date : 2024-06-30

PLOW #4 Eddie Wilson vs Morgan Decker Empty PLOW #4 Eddie Wilson vs Morgan Decker

Fri Aug 02, 2024 12:26 am
Once again we find Mark White strolling down the hallway that houses the dressing rooms. Mark White passes each dressing room, his eyes on the door at the end of the hallway, the dressing room ahead barely bigger than a broom closet, houses Eddie Wilson before each show. Already Mark can hear music flowing from the dressing room and this time he stops to listen, a puzzled expression on his face. Perhaps because of the lyrics, they don't seem to coincide with the recent success of Eddie Wilson.

Ev'ry man, has a flaming star
A flaming star, over his shoulder
And when a man, sees his flaming star
He knows his time, his time has come
Flaming star, don't shine on me, flaming star
Flaming star, keep behind me, flaming star
There's a lot of livin' I've got to do
Give me time to make a few dreams come true
Flaming star
(Flaming star)
When I ride, I feel that flaming star
That flaming star, over my shoulder
And so I ride, front of that flaming star
Never lookin' around, never lookin' around
Flaming star, don't shine on me, flaming star
Flaming star, keep behind me, flaming star
There's a lot of livin' I've got to do
Give me time to make a few dreams come true
Flaming star
(Flaming star)

Mark Wilsons listens to the melody fade away and he continues, hailing Eddie as he makes his way to the dressing room. Eddie turns and sees Mark and reaches over to turn off the radio before another song begins to play. Mark walks into the room and looks at the cameraman to ensure he is in the correct angle for the shot.

Mark White: Hello Eddie, I want to congratulate you on your most recent win. You really dominated the match...

Eddie Wilson: Now hold on a second Mark, I appreciate the congrats, but I ain't gonna sit here and act like it was a usual thang fer me. I caught Jeremiah by surprise and I lucked out. Simple as that. I ain't saying I can't beat him, I'm jest saying that winning that fast and that decisively was a matter of surprise and luck.

Mark White: Does that have anything to do with the song you were just playing? I mean that's a song of dying, of accepting death.

Eddie Wilson: That's how you hear it, you know what I hear? I hear a song that says my time has come, that flaming star is my chance ta shine. That's what it means ta me. It means that my time has come to join the elite, ta make a name fer myself.

Mark seems to stop and think, he thinks back to the lyrics that he heard and he smiles. He can see how the song can be interpreted differently. He nods his head and returns to his questions.

Mark White: So you consider yourself lucky winning the match the way you did. Why fo you believe that? Most men would be exclaiming their virtues and superiority.

Eddie Wilson: Yea, men full of themselves. Remember Mark, my nickname is 'No BS'. Ya know what happens ta men that are overconfident? Men that see themselves as unstoppable, believing they will beat anybody that is put in the ring across from 'em? They underestimate their opponents and then they lose. I don't wear rose colored glasses Mark. I come out ta the ring expecting ta fight, and I mean fight fer real. No easy matches, unless I git lucky like I did last week. The difference is, I know I can beat anybody, they think they will beat everybody. I have the skills ta win, that don't mean I will always win. And if I lose, I ain't gonna have a big crybaby fit about it. I'll git up and dust myself off and keep movin' forward.

Mark knows who Eddie is referring to, but he's not going to be the one to bring up any names. He won't put himself in that position.

Mark White: Well this week you have a match against Morgan Decker, do you have anything to say to or about Morgan Decker?"

Eddie Wilson: Morgan Decker, didn't even show up last week. Don't know why, maybe something important came up, maybe not. I jest hope he shows up this week. I'm still lookin' fer fights and I'd hate ta be disappointed tonight. But aside from that? Hell Morgan, jest show up, put on yer big boy pants and git in that ring and fight. Don't hold back, don't make excuses. Jest git in there and fight and we'll see how this here thang turns out. There were a few other no shows, Heras being one of 'em. But I also hear that he jest got ta the arena late, so he was lookin' ta git ta his match, so I reckon something happened ta hold 'em  up.

Eddie reaches into his bag and pulls out some tape and begins to tape up his wrists, waiting for Mark to ask another question or to call an end to the interview.

Mark White: Well Eddie, one last thing. I enjoyed your insights last week. So I was curious is you had anything else to add, perhaps something about last week's episode of Empire.

Eddie Wilson: Hell hoss, I don't know if'n anythang I got ta say means anythang, but I sure appreciate ya asking me fer my opinion. The thang is, I wonder if Bloodstain has maybe suffered a concussion worse than King of Hearts did. Maybe y'all should git those boys ta the doctors.

Mark White: What do you mean?

Eddie Wilson: Well hoss, when King and me had our go-round, he won. He says he beat me easily, and I can git that. Ya know, just some BS bragging ta try'n make himself sound more powerful than he really is, but Bloodstain? He lost the other week against Frost and then he goes on last week about how he left Frost layin'. So I figger that maybe the ole boy got a concussion and thinks he won? Jest sounds ta me like he needs a doctor, cause he musta banged his head purty good if he thinks he won or left Frost layin'.

Mark White: Ahhh yes, now I understand what you are referring to. Well, that's not for me to decide Eddie, but I do thank you for your insight once again. Good night and good luck in your match against Morgan Decker.

Mark turns and faces the camera, the camera focused on him now, though Eddie is still in the background taping up his wrists.

Mark White: There you have it fans, No BS coming straight from Eddie Wilson.

The scene slowly fades to black.
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