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October 2024


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Eddie Wilson
Posts : 9
Join date : 2024-06-30

PLOW #7 Eddie Wilson vs Flawless Freddie Empty PLOW #7 Eddie Wilson vs Flawless Freddie

Fri Aug 30, 2024 3:50 am
Mark Wilson is walking down the hallway, his weekly walk to go talk to Eddie Wilson. Mark's eyes are scanning the hallway, looking towards the end where Eddie's dressing room is. He can already hear music playing, though as yet unable to hear the lyrics, it seems to be a country & western melody. There's no dancing this time, Mark can already see Eddie in the distance, the big man is hard to miss. Eddie seems intent on taping up his wrists and ankles, already wearing his wrestling tights. Mark can finally hear the words of the song.

"You'll ride a black tornado 'cross the western sky
You'll rope an ol' blue northern, and milk it 'til it's dry
Bulldog the Mississippi and pin its ears down flat
Long before you take this cowboy's hat"
He said, "Partner, now this ol' hat it's better left alone
You see, it used to be my daddy's, but last year he passed on
My nephew skinned the rattler that makes up this ol' hat band
But back in '69, he died in Vietnam"
"Now the eagle feather was given to me by an Indian friend of mine
But someone ran him down somewhere around that Arizona line
And a real special lady gave me this hat pin
But I don't know if I'll ever see her again"
"You'll ride a black tornado 'cross the western sky
You'll rope an ol' blue northern, and milk it 'til it's dry
Bulldog the Mississippi, pin its ears down flat
Long before you take this cowboy's hat"

Mark considers the words and thinks this is a fitting song for the big man, Eddie's hat hanging from the saddle horn of the saddle draped over the bench. Eddie sees Mark coming, but there's no smile drawn across the face of the cowboy. Mark wonders if something is wrong and enters the dressing room, his microphone in hand, but he holds off on the interview to ensure everything is alright with the usually friendly cowboy. Eddie listens to a few more notes of the song and turns it off.

Mark White: Hello Eddie... um is everything alright? You don't seem to happy.

Eddie Wilson: (shaking his head) Nah, everything is fine, but I reckon I got ta thinkin' after my match with Samoa Malone, ya know we tore the house down. We took it in that ring and we laid it all out. Sure, it was a double count-out, but we fought tooth and nail. No complaints, just a good old fashioned fight. So I was thinkin' maybe I gotta git more serious, maybe I need ta git right in the head fer my match a lot sooner. I gotta put on the game face, I gotta take alla this more seriously.

Mark White: (nods his head in understanding) Well, I think perhaps you're on to something Eddie. I mean I like you, you're a nice guy outside the ring, but I have to admit, I wasn't sure if you had the right ferocity for wrestling. After your match with Samoa Malone though, I have to say different. Now you just need to continue that ferocity.

Eddie nods his head as he finishes taping his ankles and he starts pulling on his boots. Mark watches him, waiting for him to finish. Once the boots are pulled on, Mark lifts the microphone, ready for the interview and Eddie nods his head, apparently ready himself, he stands up beside Mark.

Mark White: I'm here with Eddie Wilson. So Eddie, you had a spectacular match last week against Samoa Malone, this week you face Flawless Freddie, what are your thoughts on this match?

Eddie Wilson: Well I tell ya Mark, Freddie is probably one of the few guys that I actually knew about before comin' here. He's a real flashy guy, ain't he? Likes ta strut around and tell everybody how great he is. Thang is, I don't talk about how good I am, I git in that ring and I let my actions do the talkin'. Yea, I had a great match with Samoa, he gave me a helluva match. But now I gotta face a guy quick as lickety split, but here's the thang. When I git my hands on 'em, it's gonna be a done deal. I ain't gonna show any mercy. Know why I had a great match with Samoa? Cause we were both dead serious, no foolin' around, just a straight up scrap. No more playin' around fer me, now I git serious.

Mark White: But Flawless Freddie is good Eddie. He's very good, fast, excellent moves in the air and on the mat.

Eddie Wilson: I ain't denyin' that. I know he's good, I've seen him wrestle, so I know how good he is and that means I know how serious I have ta be. What did ya say earlier Mark? Ferocity, I need more ferocity. Yup, no smiles, no friendliness, just git in that ring and do my damnedest ta put that boy down and put 'im down hard. I don't know what everybody else's record is, but I only got one loss and one draw. So I have ta be up there near the top o' this tournament. I'm gonna git meaner and when this thang is over, I want the King o' Hearts again. Cause apparently I need ta beat the memory  inta his head, cause he apparently don't remember what it's like ta face me.

Mark White: Well I wish you the best of luck Eddie. There you have it fans, Eddie looking to finish Flawless Freddie and then face King of Hearts once again.

The scene fades to black as Eddie turns to finish getting ready for his match.

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