Path to Glory
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October 2024


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Posts : 10
Join date : 2024-06-09

Plow Round 3 Empty Plow Round 3

Wed Jul 31, 2024 3:24 pm
We hear arguing and loud noises as the camera pans to a door that says “Official Locker Room of The King of Hearts”. From the right, Wolfie walks onto the screen and looks to the door hearing the noise as he shakes his head. He knocks and the door is opened by Alexei Reinhardt who looks relieved to see Wolfie. He closes the door behind him as the loud noises continue.

Wolfie: How's he taking it?

Alexei: Just as well as you expect. At least he hasn't hurt himself… yet

Wolfie: I’ll give him a talk. We can’t keep having this every time.

Alexei: Well if there is anyone he’ll listen to when he's like this, it's you.

Wolfie nods as he enters the room as the camera follows him. As he enters, the room is a wreck as King is visibly pissed as he chucks training equipment against the wall.

Wolfie: Woah there lad! You got to calm yourself!

He tries to get ahold of the King of Hearts but is batted away as he continues his rampage. Wolfie looks none pleased about this.

Wolfie: Look, I’m gonna give you one because I know you are upset but you need to calm yourself down. You can’t act like this everytime you lose a match. What good is all this going to do for you?

King rapidly turns to Wolfie and gets in his face.

King: Loss? Is that what you call it? I was absolutely destroyed out there! I could barely mount any offence and he almost made me tap with the Torture Rack! ME! The submission machine! I should have had him in the palm of my hand but instead it slipped out like sand.

Wolfie: That's not what I saw out there! You know what I saw, I saw a former champion giving it everything he could. Hell, I saw you jump over the ropes and flip into your opponent! I have never ever seen you do anything like that! You gave your best and you lost. You have to get over it and move on to the next match before you let this consume you and take you off your game.

King: Thats easy for you to say. You are already a champion. I have to come back from the bottom and make my name again.

Wolfie looks exasperated as he sighs

Wolfie: Are we on this again? You are trying to chase gold again! You remember how that went last time? You drove everyone away, especially Alexei and drove yourself mad. For the last time its not about the championships, its about putting in the hard work and showing the world out there that you are the best.

He grabs the back of the King of Hearts head and pulls him close.

Wolfie: Believe me, if I didn’t think you were worth it, I wouldn’t have spent this much time on you. You are the best in what you do but even the best fail sometimes. I know you love your philosophy so try this one. “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.” You could have done everything perfect and from what I saw, you were pretty perfect, you can still lose. The point is you man up, build on the loss and get better. If not then you do this crap again, wallow in your stupid pity, you’ll keep losing and I don’t put up with that type of losing. You get me?

King nods silently as Wolfie gives him a pat on the back.

Wolfie: You got to be easier on yourself lad. I know you had a messed up childhood and all that but you are here now. In the present with friends and family that support you. You worked hard to get to the position in. It wasn’t luck or any of that mess. You worked and earned it. YOU earned that. Don't you ever forget that.

Wolfie steps back and as he looks around, he sees the ruby, heart shaped cufflinks.

Wolfie: Ah I see you still have these. I remember your wedding. Rented out all of Wembley, Widow was loopier than a rollercoaster on pain meds and both of you looked so good out there. I was so proud of you that day, lad and I was damn glad to be part of it. That day I saw the King of Hearts that I could be proud of.

He gives King one last pat on the shoulder before leaving the locker room. He looks at Alexei and puts his hand on his shoulder.

Wolfie: He’ll be ok, he just needed some tough love to get him straight.

Alexei: I heard. For a moment, you sounded like a dad. A real dad.

Wolfie chuckles

Wolfie: Nah lad, I’m just Wolfie, nothing more and nothing less. Now go in there, get him ready for his next PLOW match and together we’ll make sure he keeps his head on straight.

Alexei smiles and nods. Although he has always been wary of Dream Council's involvement with his husband, he was slowly softening up to them.

Alexei: That sounds good to me, thank you Wolfie.

Wolfie nods as he turns but before he goes too far he yells back to Alexei.

Wolfie: Oh and one more thing! Make sure he cleans his room!

Alexei laughed at that before entering the locker room and the screen goes to black.
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